推广 热搜: 郝金玉  石勇  侯计香  张文泉  振兴小镇  戎子酒庄  吴沪先  河南省晋商会  ___  冯南垣 


   发布时间:2021-03-26 10:25     浏览:758    
中国晋商俱乐部致力于建设服务创新型商业化晋商生态 | 主办全球晋商年度峰会“晋商年会”与“晋商国际论坛”



The United Nations World Entrepreneur Association is headquartered in the United Nations, in order to promote the better development of the economy and trade of more than 200 countries around the world, and enhance the better and faster development of entrepreneurs in more than 200 countries around the world. The United Nations held a meeting, and the meeting reached a consensus to establish the United Nations World Entrepreneurs Association at the United Nations Headquarters and set up branches in every country and every city in more than 200 countries around the world. Large and medium-sized enterprises from more than 200 countries around the world have responded positively to joining. At present, more than 100 million entrepreneur members worldwide have joined the United Nations World Entrepreneurs Association, including many of the world's top 500 companies and many companies ranked first in the world's industry. The Global President of the United Nations World Entrepreneur Association is composed of graduates from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, University of London in the United Kingdom, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, Columbia University in the United States, the University of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore and many other world-renowned universities christinazhang Ms. Zhang Xiaodan served, christinazhang Ms. Zhang Xiaodan is fluent in Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Italian, German, Hindi and more than a dozen foreign languages. Will better lead the development of the United Nations Entrepreneur Association. The United Nations World Entrepreneur Association holds conferences in countries around the world every year.



鹏飞集团·郑鹏【中国晋商俱乐部名誉主席】 振东制药·李安平【中国晋商俱乐部荣誉理事长】 潞宝集团·韩长安【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 聚义实业·王殿辉【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 振兴小镇·牛扎根【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】 融德创世·郝金玉【中国晋商俱乐部常务理事长】
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