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建筑鉴赏 | Coum体育中心翻新扩建,法国 / ENO Architectes

   发布时间:2023-05-05 16:52     浏览:683    
核心提示:来源:谷德设计网如有侵权,请联系删除全新的Coum综合体育中心坐落于布雷斯特某大学附近,除了保留原体育馆特定的功能之外,本项目还涉及对旧建筑的改造与扩建,同时为新综合体找到其在环境中的定位,使其和谐融入周边环境,并与城市形成对话。Located near a college, the new Coum sports complex, beyond its specific p
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Located near a college, the new Coum sports complex, beyond its specific program, must reinvent and enlarge an old sports hall and find its place in its immediate environment, integrate smoothly and dialogue with the city.

▼项目外观概览,overall of the project © Pascal Léopold


The replacement of the translucent parts of the existing room is an opportunity that we seized. This new coating is continued up to the level of the existing hall, a translucent ribbon then takes shape, folds and envelops the two main volumes in an ample movement.

▼项目远观,viewing the project at distance © ENO Architectes


It rises at the lobby level and clearly indicates the single entrance. It comes to join the ground in a golden and scintillating movement, to guide the gaze towards the new entrance. The broken lines of the ribbon respond to the sloping roofs of the existing multi-sports hall so that the project seems to have always been like this. The traces of the past are however there, clearly visible, but they are erased in favor of a whole with a unique and intriguing architecture.

▼主入口立面,entrance facade © Pascal Léopold

▼上部体量包围在半透明的聚碳酸酯板中,the upper volume is enclosed in translucent polycarbonate panels © ENO Architectes


Since the objective of the project is to arouse the desire to play sports, the whole must reflect its positive and dynamic image. The existing becomes the support allowing us to unroll our facade tape on the gable of the extension. The architecture of the project embodies this sporting vocation with a facade that materializes the very idea of movement. The movement of the facade and the main colors used have only one purpose: to create the event. Catch the eye and promote sporting vocations. The golden tint at the entrance and the silver tint of the vertical slats evoke the colors of the gold and silver medals of sports competitions.

▼主入口亮眼的金色与银色色调,the bright gold and silver hues of the main entrance © Pascal Léopold


The sober translucent band placed on a darker background plays with the light throughout the day to turn into a luminous signal at night. The reflections on the sparkling gold and silver parts complete this play on light and complete giving the building its letters of nobility.

▼外观夜景,night view of the project © Pascal Léopold

▼夜景,night views © Pascal Léopold

▼半透明的材质投射出灯光,the translucent material casts light at night © Pascal Léopold


The reduced space left between the two rooms allows us to organize the project simply and very efficiently. The initial implementation constraint proves to be an excellent support for the general organization of the project. The circulation located behind the bleachers is a backbone that structures the link between the two multi-sports halls, it starts from the hall to join at its end the old entrance to the existing hall.

▼入口大厅,entrance area © Pascal Léopold

▼两个体育馆之间的服务空间,the service space between two gymnasiums © Pascal Léopold


The new room respects the characteristics of regional competitions. Its main quality is to have a very pleasant natural light atmosphere. The long north facade, located above the bleachers, is entirely covered with translucent insulated panels (cellular polycarbonate) which diffuse a constant soft light without shadows from the spectators towards the field.

▼新体育馆室内,interior of the new gymnasium © Pascal Léopold

▼均衡无阴影的室内光环境,balanced indoor light environment without shadow © Pascal Léopold

▼室内细部,interior details © Pascal Léopold

▼改造翻新后的原体育馆,the original gymnasium after renovation © Pascal Léopold


This homogeneous light contribution is completed by the filtered light coming from the translucent ribbon of the entrance facade and by the random openings located on the south and west facade. The frame also brings its graphic touch and takes up the biases suggested on the main facade and will contribute to the visual quality of the whole.

▼浴室更衣室,bathroom and dressing room © Pascal Léopold

▼总平面图,master plan © ENO Architectes

▼平面图,plan © ENO Architectes

▼立面图,elevations © ENO Architectes

▼剖面图,sections © ENO Architectes

Project Name: Rénovation et extension de la salle du Coum
Office Name: ENO Architectes
Office Website: https://www.enoarchitectes.com/
Social Media Accounts: instagram : enoarchitectes
Contact email: eno@enoarchi.fr
Firm Location: Brest, Bretagne, France
Completion Year: 2022
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 1 642m2 created, 1 034m2 renovated
Project Location: Ploudalmézeau, Bretagne, France
Program / Use / Building Function: Multi-sports complex
Lead Architects: Claire du Crest & Xavier Stocq
Lead Architects e-mail: claire@enoarchi.fr ; xavier@enoarchi.fr
Photo Credits: Pascal Léopold
Photographer’s Website: https://www.pascalleopold.com
Photographer’s e-mail: pascalleopold@hotmail.com 




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